A poem in the name of a biopsychosocial and systemic understanding of the human being and society, understanding phenomena in all their complexity:
Beyond good and evil, the ethical;
Beyond right or wrong, the just;
Beyond equal or unequal, the equitable;
Beyond the mind or brain, plastic interaction;
Beyond the genetic or environmental, the epigenetic;
Beyond the rational or emotional, the affective rational being;
Beyond soul or body, transcendence in life;
Beyond idealism or empiricism, constructionism;
Beyond science or spirituality, the discovery of mysteries;
Beyond war or peace, diplomacy;
Beyond left or right, dialogue and construction;
Beyond the oppressor or the oppressed, co-operation;
Beyond autonomy and independence or intimacy, co-construction;
Beyond the self or the other, interaction;
Beyond subject or object, dialogy;
Beyond the past or future, the present.
That we embrace complexity because the whole is always much more than the sum of its parts
Ana Lúcia Senise